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Created with Raphaël 2.2.013Nov1222OctFix metric calculationmastermasterAdd a second log fileChange batchDebut batchchange mean methodrefactor generic_modelupdate readmeupdate readmeAdd one log fileFix loggingFix loggingFix logging and change metricsMerge branch 'master' of metricMerge branch 'master' of metricsrefactor generate data + variable nameMerge branch 'master' of custom metrics add batch_size globalrefactorComments + correct mistake + refactor (IT WORKS NOW)Add eve logicFixRemove print and commentarygitignoreAdd a real sampleMerge branch 'master' of model structureCustom loss pour bobSame size keyBob est conConnect eveFix Alice and Bob Model + Add Eve Modeltests de solutionsmaximemaximeMerge branch 'master' into maximeFix memory leaktests de solutionsBob sait faire des 1 tests de solutions